Who has the last laugh?


Metro cops have always been my favourite people. I admired their work and most of all the way they dress has always caught my attention. I truly adored them but after what they did, I’m not sure if I still feel the same way about them. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw the video clip of Lunga Goodman Nono the blind busker as he was man handled by Metro Cops on St Georges Mall because he exceeded the legal hours in which he is allowed to busk


 I never expected that from metro cops but SAPS because brutally and them go hand in hand. I believe what shocked most people wasn’t  the fact that metro cops did that but how can they do such a cruel thing to a harmless blind man.


I speak under correction but I believe if Nono was told to back and go because he has exhausted his hours and they explained the bylaw to him that he is now playing beyond his hours in simply language he would have understood. Even if he didn’t pack his stuff and go at first encounter it’s not justified to pin the man on the ground and break his guitar.


Until now I still can’t believe that people can be so cruel and use the powers they hold to abuse the citizens they should save. It’s a disgrace and it leaves a lot to be desired about the country and the people chosen to lead and protect civilians.


As I watched the Nono storyunfold it just reminded me of one thing, we should be grateful in all circumstances. It dawned to me that the man above works in mysterious ways that we will never understand. Who knew that having his guitar broken and being embarrassed in front of so many people in St Georges mall will take him into another level.


The man might have suffered embarrassment for a few minutes but now he has the last laugh. He got a guitar from a Good Samaritan and talks about him starting to record are on the cards. This wouldn’t have happened if the Metro cops didn’t do what they did to him. It makes me think over and over again that the Lord we serve we will never be understood nor his doings. Now I’m reminded of one of my favorite saying with my friend Konke Kusebenzela ebuhleni (All things work together for good.)


Look at where his life is heading to now. If he didn’t suffer the embarrassment and the humiliation who knows maybe he would still be there at St Georges Mall begging for money which was going to take him a life time until it’s enough to record his album.




All this can be summed up to, we will never know what God has planned for us. What we think is pure humiliation it can be used to elevate us. What we take as something bad cruel or persecution can change our lives. People who laugh at us when we are down will be the very same people who will sing us praises when things are bright. For Nono his dream is finally taking shape and I guess the metro cops they will get what they deserve. The more I think about his story the more I realize we will never exhaust God and his plans are amazing and well laid down for us. He has manipulated every situation behind the scenes in our favour.




Give your best give

Many at times people think that being there for the people you love is signing a cheque and sending loads and loads of groceries and passing a message saying I miss you guys now and again will make them know that you care.

They appreciate the goodies and they really feel loved and cared for but you are depriving them of one gift that they will always cherish all their life. With the technology so advanced most of us think sending a BBM or Whatsapp checking on them and chatting for considerable amount of time will make up for the time you don’t see that person but we are wrong. We can’t share that laughter and enjoy it on bbm or whatsapp.

Every one is so busy and the pace is so fast that people don’t even have time to spend with the ones that they care for. We think as long as you know that they are ok then there is no reason to go and see them little do we know that we are depriving our relatives, friends, loved ones the best  gift that we can ever give them.

A lot of people might say the best gift to give is expensive stuff that you know that particular person has been dying for. But wait a minute, do you know that the best give that you can ever give to someone is your time, that can’t be bought anywhere.

Hectic as it might be take time to visit that special person, that friend you always check on once in a while on bbm or that person you are always texting. Just set time aside and be with them. That is the best gift that you can ever give them because your presence or your time well spent with them can’t be bought with any amount of money.

Take time to visit friends, do all the crazy things and enjoy the time you spend together in each others company. Do you know the reason why it’s so painful when a loved one passes away? Often at times we think a lot of the things we should have done with that person. You beat yourself for not going to the movies, going shopping, or just sitting there talking all through. You wish if only you had done that. But you let unimportant staff take your time away, time which was meant to be spent with a friend.

No amount of money can buy time back and no expensive gifts can make up for the time not spent with the ones you care for. Take time to give someone your best give. Brighten someone’s face by visiting them and spending quality time with them. Give them your undivided attention, show you want to be there and they mean a lot to you that’s why you took time off your busy schedule just to be with them.

Give the best give so that one day when that person is gone you will know that whilst they were around you took time to do the things that you’ve always wanted to do with them. It will be easy for you to heal as well because you know that where ever they are you spent time with them and you enjoyed it.

Just think of the last time you visited that special someone in you life imagine when last you visited that one friend. You might not do anything special together but that time spent together is time well spent and they will forever cherish that.

Take time and give someone the best gift that no one can buy. Give that special someone your Time.


This entry was posted on July 24, 2012. 1 Comment

Mzantsi Lounge, A place to be and to be seen

Thobile Madikizela, owner of Mzantsi Lounge

SOME call it the lounge with a lifestyle. Others call it the meeting place.Those that have been there cannot stop singing praises of the new place that has been at their service for the past seven months in Parklands. The service has been rated second best to none and the place is for everyone and those who are willing to spend and enjoy themselves can have the time of their lives.

Situated on the main road in Parklands facing the mountain no one can resist the cool breeze as they are sipping on the cocktails and enjoying different liquors sitting on the balcony. The Mzantsi Lounge has had people talking. It is owned by a humble man who has the interests of people at heart and enjoys their company, Thobile Madikizela.

The exquisite place on Village on main in Parklands has attracted people from all different places and most of all people from the kasis who enjoy tshisa nyama.

There are a lot of different cuisines served at the place from your African foods like tripe and umleqwa. Enjoy your three course meal in the comfort of the black and white dining room.  Mzansti lounge does cater for all the people from all places but they are big on Tshisa Nyama. Just place your order and it will be served to you tender, nice and warm.

The well-furnished place has an Executive lounge, Dining Lounge, Cigar Lounge, Cocktail bar and the Smoking area.  Those who want to enjoy each other’s company can get their own space by booking out an Executive lounge. This is the place for those who want to enjoy the VIP status as they while away the weekend. The executive lounge has a minimum spend of a R1000 and if you really want to feel the lounge to your own comfortability you have to dig deeper into your pocket s so that you have the leather couched room to yourself.

In the executive lounge,  no one cannot take notice of the black and white cow skin mat which is neatly place under the maroonish Oakwood coffee table complementing the maroon leather couch. The cream couch on the other side just makes the room to come to tranquillity. There is a flat scream TV in every lounge neatly pestered on the wall for those who might want to view their own choice of music.

 There is the cigar lounge as well which has neat brown leather couches and there is a deep brown cow skin mat. The cigar lounge has also a minimum charge of and those who want to have the room to their own they will have to fork out some more money.

When you visit Mzantsi lounge be warned. No caps or hoodies are allowed. No short pants or short sleeved shirts. You cannot go there with your track pants, sandals or flips flops. All this is for you own good and to maintain the style of the place as well.

No need to worry about security they have everything under control. You can leave your belongings and you find them exactly where you left them, talk about competence.

If you really want value for your money, Mzantsi Lounge is the place to be.

This entry was posted on July 24, 2012. 2 Comments

What goes on in the minds of people who pull the trigger to kill?

For the past two weeks I have been doing stories of people who are killed in the townships. One of them was a father who was shot and killed in his house by a stranger whilst his family looked on.

The other story was about a guy who was stabbed in a tavern by someone who just said he wants the smell of blood, if he doesn’t get that he will rather die himself. So finally this teenager who wanted the smell of blood stabbed another guy in his heart and he died on the spot.Though these people died painfully no one can explain the pain that overwhelmed me when I saw an innocent boy as he was called in the house to pose for a picture because journalist where there to cover the story of his father who was shot and killed on Sunday.
To me it wasn’t about getting the story in the paper. I thought about the pain the family was going through. I couldn’t imagine what the kids were going through. I just couldn’t stop thinking that people can be so cruel.This boy must have been seven years, he looked so lost but I could tell from his eyes he knew exactly what was going on and I could see the pain from his eyes. His picture still vivid in my imagination and I can’t stop wondering why people would do such a painful thing. This kid just lost a father in a very painful way because of jealous people.
He will be one of those kids who will shy away when other kids start talking about their fathers. The most painful part is having to explain to someone one day how his father died. How do you start telling someone that your father died by being shot in the mouth and a bullet for each eye.It terrifies me day in day out that each and every day someone out there is shot and killed. People should learn to be considerate and think of the pain they are causing to innocent souls and kids for that matter. I hate the fact that most of the kids are left as orphans because of people who are selfish and jealous.
What has happened to the conscience? Where does someone get the audacity to pull the trigger and kill someone in cold blood? I wonder what goes on in the minds of the people who pull the trigger to kill innoncent people, this is the million dollar question I want to know. How do you live with yourself knowing that a child out there longs to walk hand in hand with their father. The father you killed.
The saddest part of all these killings is that the victims continue to walk in the street where the perpetrators are walking freely and some of them boast about what they did and the fact that they got away with it. The justice system is not doing enough to punish these people that leave kids without a father or without parents. These people deserved to be locked and the cell keys thrown in to the sea.
To all the people that have lost someone through this terrible death I hope you have found peace and may you be comforted. One day these heartless people will find their match or jusdtice will be served.

Dont despair, good things come to those who wait

There are times when you put your effort to do something and you don’t succeed.

You have positive energy and you have done all you can to prepare but still you don’t get want you want.

You try put a smile on your face and encourage yourself that tomorrow is a better day but still you fail to do that same thing.

You feel like you’ve let yourself down because you have never put your mind to do anything and you struggle to get it done and have to do it over and over again.

Never give up, its not over until its over or let me say until you get what you want. Keep trying and continue to put more effort.

Indeed everything happens for a reason. You might be struggling so that one day you might be able to help other people who go through the same situation. Because you’ve been through the same situation yourself you will know how to help the other person.

It might be difficult to get that one thing that you pray for each and everyday because God is molding you, teaching you something. Creating a patient you, molding an enduring person and most of all teaching you to trust in Him.

All you have to do is to endure, be patient. Know that God’s time is the best time. Learn from what you’re going through.

It might be difficult to obtain that one thing so that when you have it you will appreciate it and never take it for granted.

Don’t despair, there is still tomorrow. Unless you’ve got what you want never stop trying. The greatest fear in life is not failure its self but its failing to try.

Other people around you are even giving up on you but always know that God’s time is the best time. When everyone else has given up on you that’s when he steps in to lift you up.

He teaches you a lesson in every situation, all we have to do is strive and trust in him knowing that he didn’t bring us here to leave us.

This goes to that very person who feels they have tried all they can. They have been praying but nothing has come through. They are at the brink of giving up, all I can say is don’t throw the towel. The situation is also on the brink of changing to what you want.

People should learn that God has three answers to a situation, yes, no and not now.

We should just learn to claim what belongs to us. If what we want is in God’s plan there is no way he can withhold it for ever. Delay is not denial

has the justice system failed its people?

Has the justice system in this country failed its people so much that they have decided to take the law into their own hands?

Have the cops failed the people too many times to an extent that people don’t even bother going to them anymore because they know nothing will be done?

Have people lost all hope on their justice system or its the justice system that has failed them that they have decided to do things their way?

Its like cops are not there anymore and the community is in charge.

Recently there has been a lot of people that have died because of people’s justice.

Have people bothered to ask why human beings kill others in such a demeaning, painful and cruel way. Have cops wondered why people act like this? And what are they doing about it?

Not so long ago I wrote a story of one guy who was stoned to death because he stole cds. He was caught red handed and community members showed him no mercy.

Last week three men were beaten to death and they were buried in shallow graves in Macassar, Khayelitsha because they broke into a shack and stole a plasma tv.

During this week, People’s justice claimed once again three more lives because of house breaking. They were burnt to death in a process called neck lacing. This is where by a victim is killed by being strangled or something is used on their neck to kill them.

With this particular incident, residents put burning tyres on the thievies’ necks and they burnt to death.

This is shocking and you wonder why people will do such a painful thing. Some of them say they are fed up of going to the cops because the perpetrators can be arrested today and tomorrow they are released to go back and terrorize the community.

Some say we have watched them steal from us day in day out and today we are ending everything.

So they find it better to kill them once and for all so that they won’t bother them again. Their reasoning is justifiable but what do the cops say?

Cops are saying people should not take the law into their own hands. But what measures are put in place to punish the thugs? Have they sent a stern warning to stop these thugs?

All I’m saying is if there were harsher sentences on these perpetrators none of these people’s justice acts will be taking place. If only they locked the offenders and threw away the keys we wouldn’t be witnessing these painful killings.

They have heard enough of ‘don’t take the law into your own hands.’ They want some action, they want justice.

People are only doing this because they are desperate and they don’t know what to do. They want a stop to these thugs which are giving them sleepless nights.

The justice system isn’t giving them any solutions so they have devised their own way out.

I don’t know what should be done myself but cops have to pull up their socks and the justice system shouldn’t be lenient to these offenders. When these thugs are caught engaging in any form of criminal activity, they should be punished severely.

To die because of people’s justice is such a painful thing and I wouldn’t even wish it to my worst enemy but what can people do when they are not getting the help that they want? I don’t blame community members who resort to people’s justice.

They do what they deem necessary.

This entry was posted on March 22, 2012. 3 Comments

blacks with time

At times I wonder what made black people to be so pathetic when it comes to time keeping.

I have asked myself that question a thousand times especially when I’m late myself but I can’t really get the answers.

Just thinking of how black people are poor managers of time makes me sick.

Maybe we have not yet realised how important a minute is. I don’t know what it will take for us to get that into our system.

Some people have missed out on big deals that could have changed their lives for the better but just because of poor time management they lost.

People set up a meeting to start at a certain time but the bulk of the people start dripping in at least 30 minutes later. Have we ever imagined what we could have achieved if we managed to keep time?

Not that I’m excluding myself but I know where to draw the line. There are some things that you just can’t be late for. Job interviews, business meetings you name those important things that you have been late for when you know exactly that you are supposed to be on time.

Besides when you are late for some things it sends out a wrong signal to the people you are meeting. They may think maybe you don’t care. Maybe you’re just taking them for a ride and maybe you’re not even committed.

I’m venting my frustration on this blog because its been 3 good hours waiting for someone and they haven’t pitched up. By keeping me waiting I have wasted a lot of time that I will never be able to make up for. I would have done something tangible within those hours but I can’t because I’m stuck here waiting for them.

All I’m saying is, if people were serious about keeping time the world would be a better place. I can imagine the things we will have achieved as individuals and as a country.

Where people would be but this disease of not keeping time has got the best of most of us and if people don’t change they will miss out on a lot of opportunities.

If we don’t take it upon ourselves to be time wise, we will all be big losers and all our lives will be full of regrets

Time is of paramount importance. We must value it as its one thing that will never be gained when lost.

This entry was posted on March 21, 2012. 5 Comments

The power of the spoken word

As tiny as the mouth is but what comes out of it possesses the life and death of someone. A word is one dangerous thing which when let out as raw as it may be, it can destroy someone completely.If said with wisdom it can elevate people to greater heights.

I’m saddened by people who donot know what kind of power the word carries. They say what ever not putting into consideration how the next person might take it. It breaks my heart to say two days ago someone was stabbed to death because of what the other person said.

 That could have been avoided if people learnt to tame their tongues and knew that a word is like spilt milk. Once it touches the ground there is nothing that can de done about it because it cant be put back into the jug. People should know in their hearts that thoughtless words can wound as deeply as a sword but wisely spoken words can heal and build.

Even biblically its stated that we should learn to tame our tongues because death and life are in the power of the tongue. Through the spoken word someone can achieve great things, some prosper in life. For others through the spoken word they have taken their lives, some are struggling because of the curses spoken upon their lives.

 The world would be a better place if people learnt to speak politely and think of how they would feel if someone uttered those harsh words to them.